Monday 11 April 2016

A Faithful Dog and its Master Story- Moral Story of Faithful Dog & Master

The story-the faithful and its master

A Faithful Dog and its Master Story with Moral

Once there was a hunter. He lived in a village. He had a dog. It was very faithful. One day, the hunter went to city with his wife. He left his son at home. A wolf came there. It entered the house and attacked the baby. The dog fought with the wolf and killed it. In the evening, the hunter and his wife returned from the city. The dog was waiting outside for his master. When it saw him, it licked his feet. The hunter saw the stains of blood on the dog’s mouth. He thought that the dog had killed his son. He became very angry. He took his gun and killed the dog. When he fund his son safe inside the house and the wolf lying dead near him, he wept bitterly.

Moral of the story

Haste makes waste.

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