Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Stubborn Goats
Two goats came face to face while crossing a narrow bridge. “Let me pass” said one of them. “Never, you get out of my way” said the other goat. They quarrel each other and lost their balance.
They fell into the stream down below and died!
A few days later another two goats came face to face while crossing the same bridge. Both these goats were wise and patient.
They made way for each other to cross the narrow bridge. Both reached their home safely.
Moral: Better bend than break.

The Three Types of People
A teacher shows three toys to a student and asks the student to find out the differences. All the three toys are seemed to be identical in their shape, size and material. After keen observation, the student observes holes in the toys. 1st toy it has holes in the ears. 2nd toy has holes in ear and mouth. 3rd toy has only one hole in one ear.
Than with the help of needle the student puts the needle in the ear hole of 1st toy. The needle comes out from the other ear. In the 2nd toy, when the needle was put in ear the needle came out of mouth. And in the 3rd toy, when the needle was put in, the needle did not come out.
First toy represent those people around you who gives an impression that they are listening to you, all your things and care for you. But they just pretend to do so. After listening, as the needle comes out from the next ear, the things you said to them by counting on them are gone. So be careful while you are speaking to this type of people around you, who does not care for you.
Second toy represent those people who listens to you all your things and gives an impression that they care for you. But as in the toy, the needle comes out from mouth. These people will use your things and the words you tell them against you by telling it to others and bringing out the confidential issues for their own purpose.
Third toy, the needle does not come out from it. These kinds of people will keep the trust you have in them. They are the ones who you can count on.
Moral: Always stay in a company of a people who are loyal and trustworthy. People, who listen to what you tell them, are not always the ones you can count on when you need them the most.

Fear vs Respect
Long time ago very cruel king name Virat Singh was ruling the city of Vijay Nagar. All citizens were fearful because of his cruelty. Virat has a dog named Jack, which he used to love more than anything, one fateful morning Jack died. Virat Singh organized last rituals for dog; entire city came to cremation ground. Virat Singh was very happy to see that people love him so much and he felt he is the most popular king in the world. After few days Virat Singh died, but no one came for his funerals.
Moral: Respect is something you have to earn, you cannot force it on others to respect you. There is a thin line between Fear and Respect, every one of us should understand it and do necessary corrections in our personalities.

Helping Others
Once there was a small boy named Shankar. He belonged to a poor family.  One day, he was crossing through the forest carrying some woods. He saw an old man who was very hungry.  Shankar wanted to give him some food, but he did not have food for his own.  So he continued on his way.  On his way he saw a deer who was very thirsty.  He wanted to give him some water, but he did not have water for himself.  So he went on his way ahead.  Then he saw a man who wanted to make a camp but he did not have woods.  Shankar asked his problem and gave some woods to him.  In return, he gave him some food and water.  Now he went back to the old man and gave him some food and gave some water to the deer. The old man and the deer were very happy.  Shankar than happily went on his way.
However, one day Shankar fell down the hill.  He was in pain but he couldn’t move and no one was there to help him.  But, the old man who he had helped before saw him, he quickly came and pulled him up the hill.  He had many wounds on his legs.  The deer whom shankar had gave water saw his wounds and quickly went to forest and brought some herbs.  After sometime his wounds were covered.  All were very happy that they were able to help each other.
Moral: If you help others, then they will also help you. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

The Sky Is Falling English Story With Moral

sky is falling

One day, there was strong wind blowing in the forest. It was making mysterious whistle sound. A timid rabbit was very much frightened with this atmosphere. He hid himself in his burrow under a mango tree. Suddenly, he heard a heavy thud sound. The frightened rabbit sprang out of his burrow and ran through the forest. The rabbit was shouting loudly, “Run, sky is falling”. On the way, the jackal saw the rabbit running. He asked, “What happened, why you are running in such haste?” Rabbit replied, “Didn’t you hear the loud heavy sound? The sky is falling. Run for your life” and running fast.
The jackal too started running with him. On the way, they met giraffe. The giraffe enquired why they were running in so hurry. And when he came to know that the sky was falling, he joined them too. Soon the elephant, deer and horse all joined the running group.
Hearing all this, the lion came out of his den and asked, “Why are you making so fuss?” The animals replied in chorus, “The sky is falling down and we all running to save our lives.”
The lion was very much surprised to hear this unique statement. He asked, “How did you know this?” “I saw a piece of sky falling down with a big thud sound.” replied the rabbit quite excited.
The lion was skeptical about what the rabbit was saying. So he said,” Can you show me the place where the piece of sky has fallen down? Though the rabbit was scared, he led the lion and the other animals to the mango tree where he had heard the sound. There, the lion saw a big mango lying. He picked up the mango and said, “So, this is the piece of sky!”
The animals were very much ashamed to realize that they ran like fools on hearsay.

Moral Of The Story

Do not jump on any conclusion before investigating the matter fully.

 crows and snake story
Long time ago two crows lived in a tree little away from a village. They laid eggs several times. Every time a snake, who lived in a hole of a nearby tree, ate all the eggs. This worried the crows. They hit upon a plan. Together they flew to the village well. Few village girls were taking bath there. At a little distance lay their belongings. A pearl necklace caught the crow’s attention. Finding an opportunity, one crow picked it up. The crows flew as fast as they could till they reached the snake’s hole. They dropped the necklace there. It look like a string of eggs and the snake came out of the hole. The villagers who had heard the cries of the girls followed the crows to the spot. They saw the snake and killed it. They went back taking the necklace with them. The crows lived happily and peacefully ever after.

Moral Of The Story

Intelligence is greater than strength.

A Faithful Dog and its Master Story- Moral Story of Faithful Dog & Master

The story-the faithful and its master

A Faithful Dog and its Master Story with Moral

Once there was a hunter. He lived in a village. He had a dog. It was very faithful. One day, the hunter went to city with his wife. He left his son at home. A wolf came there. It entered the house and attacked the baby. The dog fought with the wolf and killed it. In the evening, the hunter and his wife returned from the city. The dog was waiting outside for his master. When it saw him, it licked his feet. The hunter saw the stains of blood on the dog’s mouth. He thought that the dog had killed his son. He became very angry. He took his gun and killed the dog. When he fund his son safe inside the house and the wolf lying dead near him, he wept bitterly.

Moral of the story

Haste makes waste.


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SIR,—Shortly before Christmas a man named Angelo Testoni arrived at Milan from Brescia, accompanied by a fox terrier. He took a room, where he and his dog began a humble life in common, the dog being left in the room during the day, while his master, having found some small employment, earned a scanty living. At midday the portinaia took the dog his dinner, and in the evening, when Testoni returned, the two supped together, after which they went out for a walk in a lonely street. On the man's return from his daily rounds, the dog could not show his delight sufficiently, and the evening hours made up for the solitude of the day. Finally the man went to bed, and the dog was allowed to lie at his feet.
One day the man did not appear as usual, and the people of the house went up to see what was the matter. They found him lying motionless with the dog beside him. Here begins the story of the "Cane fedele." The dog absolutely refused to let anyone approach his dead master—for dead he was. He barked frantically, and threatened to bite all who came near. A doctor was sent for, but he threatened to bite the doctor. Something had to be done: the municipal dog-catcher was summoned, who threw a rope round the devoted animal's neck and dragged him by main force from the room. Alas for the fate that menaced him !
This was the tale that wrung many a heart next day. Related in the columns of the Corriere delta Sera, it quickly spread over Italy. The day was Christmas Eve, which made things worse. Imagine the dog dying for his fidelity, perhaps even on the Christmas morning ! Then began to pour in
telegrams, telephone messages, express letters : such a day at the municipal kennels had never been known. Visitors came with anxious faces ; they went away—so far—reassured, since the dog was not dead, but in good health, and able to enjoy two meals a day, at ten and at three o'clock, the bill of fare being soup, cooked meat, bread, and water. So far so good ; but on January 7th be would die if not claimed, and if a sum of about £3 were not paid. However, long before the fatal date a Milanese lady carried him off in triumph and also paid the fee, though others had offered to pay it. The artillery officer of Savona, the " nobile possidente," and all the other applicants remained dogless, but happy at the fortunate ending to the story.

Thursday, 7 April 2016


Extract the Positive From Environment
 Image result for depression women

.--You have all seen on the bosom of the lake the beautiful white lily. How anxious we have been, how we have wished and worked that we might get that blossom. No matter how much scum and debris and filth there is around it, yet that does not destroy your desire for the lily. We wonder how the lily can be so beautiful and white where there is so much filth.
Well, there is a stem that strikes down to the golden sands beneath and gathers nothing but the purest substance that feeds the lily until it develops into the pure and spotless flower, as we see it. Should not this teach us a lesson? It ought to. It shows that although there is iniquity all around us we should not approach it. Do not talk of the iniquity and wickedness that are in the world but elevate your minds and talk of your Saviour. When you see iniquity all around you, it makes you all the more glad that He is your Saviour and we are His children.
Then shall we look at the iniquity around us and dwell upon the dark side? You cannot cure it; then talk of something that is higher, better, and more noble. Talk of those things that will leave a good impression on the mind, and it will lift every soul up out of this iniquity into light beyond.

Psychology Of Story Telling(POST): DEPRESSION UNRAVELED   Depression Produced by ...

Psychology Of Story Telling(POST): DEPRESSION UNRAVELED

 Depression Produced by ...
: DEPRESSION UNRAVELED    Depression Produced by Iron Dignity . --Some preserve a cold, chilling reserve, an iron dignity, that repe...
Image result for depression women

 Depression Produced by Iron Dignity
.--Some preserve a cold, chilling reserve, an iron dignity, that repels those who are brought within their influence. This spirit  is contagious; it creates an atmosphere that is withering to good impulses and good resolves; it chokes the natural current of human sympathy, cordiality, and love; and under its influence people become constrained, and their social and generous attributes are destroyed for want of exercise.
Not only is the spiritual health affected but the physical health suffers by this unnatural depression. The gloom and chill of this unsocial atmosphere is reflected upon the countenance. The faces of those who are benevolent and sympathetic will shine with the luster of true goodness, while those who do not cherish kindly thoughts and unselfish motives express in their faces the sentiments cherished in their hearts.--4T 64 (1876).
Mental Depression From Poorly Ventilated Rooms. --The effects produced by living in close, ill-ventilated rooms are these: The system becomes weak and unhealthy, the circulation is depressed, the blood moves sluggishly through the system because it is not purified and vitalized by the pure, invigorating air of heaven. The mind becomes depressed and gloomy, while the whole system is enervated, and fevers and other acute diseases are liable to be generated.--1T 702, 803 (1868).
Depression and Gloom Result of Insufficient Oxygen.--The lungs should be allowed the greatest freedom possible. Their capacity is developed by free action; it diminishes if they are cramped and compressed. Hence the ill effects of the practice so common, especially in sedentary pursuits, of stooping at one's work. In this position it is impossible to breathe deeply. Superficial breathing soon becomes a habit, and the lungs lose their power to expand....
Thus an insufficient supply of oxygen is received. The blood moves sluggishly. The waste, poisonous matter, which should be thrown off in the exhalations from the lungs, is retained, and the blood becomes impure. Not only the lungs, but the stomach, liver, and brain are affected. The skin becomes sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart is depressed; the brain is clouded; the thoughts are confused; gloom settles upon the spirits; the whole system becomes depressed and inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease.--MH 272, 273 (1905).
Good Respiration Soothes the Nerves.--In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it, a life-giving current, to every part of the body. A good respiration soothes the nerves; it stimulates the appetite and renders digestion more perfect; and it induces sound, refreshing sleep.--MH 272 (1905).

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

The Power of Perseverance

A man woke up early in order to have his morning Prayers. He got dressed, set on his way to the Church.

On his way to the CHURCH, the man fell and his clothes got dirty. He got up, brushed himself up, and headed home.

At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again, on his way to the CHURCH.

On his way to the CHURCH, he fell again and at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. At home he, once again, changed his clothes and was on his way to the Church.

On his way to the CHURCH, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied ‘I saw you fall twice on your way to the CHURCH, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.

The first man thanked him profusely and the two went on their way to the CHURCH.

Once at the CHURCH, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and offer Prayers with him.

The second man refused.

The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same.

The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.

The man replied, ‘I am Satan’. The man was shocked at this reply.

Satan went on to explain, ‘I saw you on your way to the CHURCH and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on
your way to the CHURCH, Jesus forgave all of your sins.

I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to CHURCH. Because of that, Jesus forgave all the sins of the people of your household.

I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Jesus will forgive the sins of the whole nation (world) so I made sure that you reached the CHURCH safely.’

Do not put off the good you intended to do as you never know how much reward you might receive from the hardships you encounter while trying to achieve that good. For your righteousness can save your family and nation at large.

Do this and see the victory of the Jesus.

Years of commitment v/s a single mistake

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There was a king who had ten wild dogs. He used them to torture and kill any of his servants who made a mistake. One of the servants gave an opinion which was wrong, and the king didn’t like it at all. So he ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs.
The servant said, “I served you for ten years, and you do this to me? Please give me ten days before throwing me to those dogs!”
The king agreed. In those ten days, the servant went to the guard who looks after the dogs and told him he would like to serve the dogs for the next ten days. The guard was baffled but agreed, and the servant started feeding the dogs, cleaning them, bathing them and providing all sorts of comfort for them.
When the ten days were over, the king ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs for his punishment. When he was thrown in, all were amazed to see the ravenous dogs only licking the feet of the servant! The king, baffled at what he was seeing, said, “What has happened to my dogs?”
The servant replied, “I served the dogs for only ten days, and they didn’t forget my service. Yet I served you for a whole ten years and you forgot all, at my first mistake!”
The king realized his mistake and ordered the servant to be set free.
This post is a message to all those of us who forget the good things a person did for them as soon as the person makes a mistake towards them. Don’t put out the history that is filled with good and committed works because of a single mistake you don’t like.

value of life

 A man went to God and asked, “What’s the value of life?”

God gave him one stone and said, “Find out the value of this stone, but don’t sell it.”

The man took the stone to an Orange Seller and asked him what it’s cost would be.

The Orange Seller saw the shiny stone and said, “You can take 12 oranges and give me the stone.”

The man apologized and said that the God has asked him not to sell it.

He went ahead and found a vegetable seller. “What could be the value of this stone?” he asked the vegetable seller. The seller saw the shiny stone and said, “Take one sack of potatoes and give me the stone.”

The man again apologized and said he can’t sell it.

Further ahead, he went into a jewellery shop and asked the value of the stone.

The jeweler saw the stone under a lens and said, “I’ll give you 5,000,000 for this stone.” When the man shook his head, the jeweler said, “Alright, alright, take 100 million, but give me the stone.”

The man explained that he can’t sell the stone. Further ahead, the man saw a precious stone’s shop and asked the seller the value of this stone.

When the precious stone’s seller saw the big ruby, he lay down a red cloth and put the ruby on it. Then he walked in circles around the ruby and bent down and touched his head in front of the ruby.

“From where did you bring this priceless ruby from?” he asked. “Even if I sell the whole world, and my life, I won’t be able to purchase this priceless stone.

Stunned and confused, the man returned to the God and told him what had happened. “Now tell me what is the value of life, God?

God said, “The answers you got from the Orange Seller, the Vegetable Seller, the Jeweler & the Precious Stone’s Seller explain the value of our life… You may be a precious stone, even priceless, but people may value you based on their level of information, their belief in you, their motive behind entertaining you, their ambition, and their risk taking ability. But don’t fear, you will surely find someone who will discern your true value.”

In the eyes of God you are very very precious. Respect yourself. You are  Unique. No one can Replace you!


Image result for butterfly birth 
 Trials in life can be tragedies or triumphs, depending on how we handle them. Triumphs don't come without effort.

A biology teacher was teaching his students how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. He told the students that in the next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon. But no one should help the butterfly. Then he left.

The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon, and one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly out of the cocoon against the advice of his teacher. He broke the cocoon to help the butterfly so it didn't have to struggle anymore. But shortly afterwards the butterfly died.

When the teacher returned, he was told what happened. He explained to this student that by helping the butterfly, he had actually killed it because it is a law of nature that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps develop and strengthen its wings. The boy had deprived the butterfly of its struggle and the butterfly died.

Apply this same principle to our lives. Nothing worthwhile in life comes without a struggle. As parents we tend to hurt the ones we love most because we don't allow them to struggle to gain strength.

The Son
 Image result for wealthy father and son

A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had Everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art.

When the Viet Nam conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.

About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands. He said, "Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art."

The young man held out his package.

"I know this isn't much. I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this."

The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the portrait.

"Oh, no sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift."

The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected. The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his paintings. Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection. On the platform sat the painting of the son.

The auctioneer pounded his gavel. "We will start the bidding with this portrait of the son. Who will bid for this painting?" There was silence. Then a voice in the back of the room shouted. "We want to see the famous paintings. Skip this one." But the auctioneer persisted. "Will someone bid for this painting? Who will start the bidding? $100, $200?" Another voice shouted angrily. "We didn't come to see this painting. We came to see the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Get on with the real bids!" But still the auctioneer continued. "The son! The son! Who'll take the son?"

Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the long-time gardener of the man and his son. "I'll give $10 for the painting." Being a poor man, it was all he could afford. "We have $10, who will bid $20?" "Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters." "$10 is the bid, won't someone bid $20?"

The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the painting of the son. They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections. The auctioneer pounded the gavel. "Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!" A man sitting on the second row shouted. "Now let's get on with the collection!"

The auctioneer laid down his gavel.

"I'm sorry, the auction is over. When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will. I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings. The man who took the son gets everything!"

God gave his son 2,000 years ago to die on a cruel cross. Much like the auctioneer, His message today is, "The son, the son, who'll take the son?"
Doctor's Warning
Image result for doc and patient

"You," said the doctor to the patient, "are in terrible shape. You've got to do something about it. First, tell your wife to cook more nutritious meals. Stop working like a dog. Also, inform your wife you're going to make a budget, and she has to stick to it. And have her keep the kids off your back so you can relax. Unless there are some changes like that in your life, you'll probably be dead in a month."
"Doc," the patient said, "this would sound more official coming from you. Could you please call my wife and give her those instructions?"
When the fellow got home, his wife rushed to him. "I talked to your doctor," she wailed. "Poor man, you've only got thirty days to live.
Useless Weapon

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The prize for the most useless weapon of all times goes to the Russians. They invented the "dog mine." The plan was to train the dogs to associate food with the undersides of tanks, in the hope that they would run hungrily beneath advancing Panzer divisions. Bombs were then strapped to the dogs' backs, which endangered the dogs to the point where no insurance company would look at them. Unfortunately, the dogs associated food solely with Russian tanks. The plan was begun the first day of the Russian involvement in World War II...and abandoned on day two. The dogs with bombs on their backs forced an entire Soviet division to retreat.

Image result for winston churchill and albert einstein
Signs of the Times, March 1988, p. 12

In 1902, the poetry editor of Atlantic Monthly returned a stack of poems with this note, "Our magazine has no room for your vigorous verse." The poet was Robert Frost. In 1905, the University of Bern turned down a doctoral dissertation as "irrelevant and fanciful." The writer of that paper was Albert Einstein. In 1894 an English teacher noted on a teenager's report card, "A conspicuous lack of success." The student was Winston Churchill.
 Image result for twins talking in womb

“Twins, a sister and brother were talking to each other in the womb. The little sister said to the little brother, ‘I believe that there is life after birth!’ Her brother protested: ‘No, no, this is all there is. This is a dark and cozy place, and we have nothing else to do but to cling on to the cord that feeds us.’ But the little girl insisted: ‘There must be something more than this dark place, there must be something else where there is light and freedom to move.’ Still she could not convince her twin brother. Then...after some silence, she said hesitantly: ‘I have something else to say, and I am afraid you won’t believe that either, but I think there is a mother!’ Her little brother now became furious: ‘A mother, a mother, what are you talking about? I have never seen a mother and neither have you. Who put that idea in your head? As I told you, this place is all we have so let’s be content.’ The little sister finally said: ‘Don’t you feel this pressure sometimes? Its really unpleasant and sometimes even painful.’ ‘Yes,’ he answered, ‘what’s special about that?’ ‘Well,’ the sister said, ‘I think this pressure is there to get us ready for another place, much more beautiful than this, where we will see our mother face to face! Don’t you think that’s exciting!”. In that story the little twin brother did not think of life beyond the present while the little twin sister looked forward to another life beyond the present