SIR,—Shortly before Christmas a man named Angelo
Testoni arrived at Milan from Brescia, accompanied by a fox terrier. He
took a room, where he and his dog began a humble life in common, the dog
being left in the room during the day, while his master, having found
some small employment, earned a scanty living. At midday the portinaia
took the dog his dinner, and in the evening, when Testoni returned, the
two supped together, after which they went out for a walk in a lonely
street. On the man's return from his daily rounds, the dog could not
show his delight sufficiently, and the evening hours made up for the
solitude of the day. Finally the man went to bed, and the dog was
allowed to lie at his feet.
One day the man did not appear as usual, and the
people of the house went up to see what was the matter. They found him
lying motionless with the dog beside him. Here begins the story of the
"Cane fedele." The dog absolutely refused to let anyone approach his
dead master—for dead he was. He barked frantically, and threatened to
bite all who came near. A doctor was sent for, but he threatened to bite
the doctor. Something had to be done: the municipal dog-catcher was
summoned, who threw a rope round the devoted animal's neck and dragged
him by main force from the room. Alas for the fate that menaced him !
This was the tale that wrung many a heart next day.
Related in the columns of the Corriere delta Sera, it quickly spread
over Italy. The day was Christmas Eve, which made things worse. Imagine
the dog dying for his fidelity, perhaps even on the Christmas morning !
Then began to pour in
telegrams, telephone messages, express letters : such a
day at the municipal kennels had never been known. Visitors came with
anxious faces ; they went away—so far—reassured, since the dog was not
dead, but in good health, and able to enjoy two meals a day, at ten and
at three o'clock, the bill of fare being soup, cooked meat, bread, and
water. So far so good ; but on January 7th be would die if not claimed,
and if a sum of about £3 were not paid. However, long before the fatal
date a Milanese lady carried him off in triumph and also paid the fee,
though others had offered to pay it. The artillery officer of Savona,
the " nobile possidente," and all the other applicants remained dogless,
but happy at the fortunate ending to the story.
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